Overview of Linked Jobs

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A "linked job" (a.k.a. "split job") is a separate set of job details that relates to an overall eBoard job. Therefore, an eBoard job can consist of multiple linked jobs.

Any linked job on the Calendar is denoted by a "1/2", "2/2" etc. next to the job number.

When you create a linked job, you can change any of the details in that linked job without affecting other linked jobs that are related to the overall eBoard job. Therefore, each linked job can have its own specific details and instructions relating to the overall job.

Note that Job Type, Billing Information and Job Documents all relate to the overall job and cannot be changed via a linked job.

Any Tracking task or resource use recorded under linked jobs (e.g. time, equipment) are common to the overall eBoard job when you view the job in Tracking. This means that all charges for the overall job can be collated into a single invoice.

If you wish to invoice a job separately, but use the same or similar information stored in another eBoard job, then you can use the "Copy Job" function in the eBoard job view to create an entirely new job.

Examples of use

  • The same job, but different details/instructions on different dates.
  • The same job on the same day at two (or more) different times.
  • A job that has different stages, where traffic management closures, labour quantities etc. change for each stage.
  • A job where the site is unattended on weekends, and therefore requires no staff and reduced traffic management closures.