Day Summary

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File:Day summary.png
Example of a day summary

The Day Summary includes a set of capacities and statistics to give you a snapshot of the key figures for the day. This is likely to be of most use to your Operations, TMP and management staff.

The first line displays the date and the day of the week.

The second line displays the total number of jobs for the day, the number of jobs which require labour, and the total number of staff required.

The third line displays the staff and vehicle capacity. Roughly speaking, these show the number used divided by the number available. The staff capacity figure is calculated based on staff which appear in the staff picker and are and not recorded as "Exclude from calendar capacity" (see Users) and are not on leave for the entire day. The vehicle capacity figure is calculated based on vehicles which appear in the vehicle picker and are not recorded as "Exclude from calendar capacity" (see Vehicles). You can hover over each of these percentages to display the figures used to calculate the percentages.

The fourth line displays two ratios, one for number of non-labour jobs compared to staff allocated and the other for number of site checks compared to staff allocated. A non-labour job is one which has the Labour (red-dot) field on the calendar set to zero. A site check is a job which is recorded as "Fully Setup Already" in the "Setup Importance / Rating" field in the "Job Details" section of a job. These ratios can be used to see if a single staff member is stretched too thin for the day. For example, a ratio of 10:2 means that 2 unique staff members have been allocated to 10 jobs. You can hover over the ratios to give you an average ratio (e.g. 12:4 = 3:1, an average of 3 jobs per staff member).

The fifth line displays simple tick/cross (yes/no) checks which your Operations Team may find useful. "All Labour Allocated" means that the labour requirements for each job has been met. If this is not the case, the hover will tell you how many staff you still require to allocate. "All Vehicles Allocated" means that at least one vehicle has been assigned to each job. If a vehicle is not required for a job, you can always free-text "NA" into the field to get this tick.

The sixth line displays simple tick/cross (yes/no) checks which your quality assurance staff may find useful. "No Missing Fields" means that all "Highly Recommended" fields have been filled in for every job on that day. "All TMPs OK" means that all jobs have a non-expired TMP attached. "All NP OK" means that every job either doesn't require no parking to be put out, or it requires no parking and has had it put out.